امروز: دوشنبه 03 اسفند 6

عرب نیا بعد از «مختار»، «چ» شد 

Fariborz Arabnia

Fariborz Arabnia

فریبرز عرب نیا نقش شهید چمران را در فیلم «چ» بازی می کند.  

فریبرز عرب نیا به عنوان بازیگر نقش شهید چمران در فیلم سینمایی «چ» به کارگردانی ابراهیم حاتمی کیا انتخاب شد.

مریلا زارعی و اسماعیل سلطانیان از دیگر بازیگرانی هستند که حضور آن ها در این فیلم سینمایی قطعی شده است. «چ» نیمه اول تیرماه کلید خواهد خورد. 

مصطفی چمران (1311 - 31 خرداد 1360) با نام کامل مصطفی چمران ساوجی از فعالین سیاسی قبل از انقلاب در آمریکا، فعال نظامی در لبنان، معاون نخست‌وزیر در امور انقلاب دولت موقت، وزیر دفاع جمهوری اسلامی ایران، نماینده مردم تهران در اولین مجلس شورای اسلامی، نماینده امام خمینی در شورای عالی دفاع و از فرماندهان جنگ‌های نامنظم بود که در تاریخ 31 خرداد 1360 هنگام معرفی و توجیه فرمانده جدید محور دهلاویه به جای «ایرج رستمی»، در خط مقدم نبرد، بر اثر اصابت ترکش خمپاره 60 دشمن از ناحیه سر زخمی و به شهادت رسید.

Mostafa ChamranMostafa Chamran

فیلم سینمایی «چ» دو روز و دو شب از زندگی شهید چمران را به تصویر خواهد کشید. این دو روز از بیست و پنجم و بیست و هفتم مرداد ماه 1358 را نمایش خواهد داد. 

تهیه کنندگی این فیلم با حمایت بنیاد سینمایی فارابی و تهیه کنندگی مهدی کریمی ساخته خواهد شد. 

Ebrahim HatamikiaEbrahim Hatamikia

 نوشته شده توسط علی بیدار در سه شنبه 91/3/23 و ساعت 1:9 عصر | نظرات دیگران()

Military Moms Breastfeeding in Uniform Stir Controversy

At a time when breastfeeding in public is already controversial, pictures of two military moms doing so while wearing their uniforms is sparking outrage. 

 The photo is part of a local breastfeeding awareness campaign by Mom2Mom of Fairchild Air Force Base, a support group launched in January by Crystal Scott, a military spouse and mother of three. Among the intimate close-ups of smiling young mothers cuddling their adorable babies, the images of the two airmen stand out.  

 Terran Echegoyen-McCabe, a member of the Air National Guard who was photographed in uniform nursing her 10-month-old twin daughters, says that she"s surprised by the reaction to the photos. 

 "I have breastfed in our lobby, in my car, in the park ... and I pump, usually in the locker room," she told the "Today" show, adding that she usually nurses her babies while on her lunch break during drill weekends. "I"m proud to be wearing a uniform while breast-feeding. I"m proud of the photo and I hope it encourages other women to know they can breastfeed whether they"re active duty, guard or civilian." 

 All of the women in the photos volunteered to appear in the awareness campaign, and Echegoyen-McCabe is featured -- wearing civilian clothing -- in a few of the other candid shots. None of the photos are posed; the women are simply feeding their babies the way they usually do. But even though some of the other photographs are just as revealing, only the ones of Echegoyen-McCabe and her friend Christina Luna in uniform have been criticized. 

 "The Air Force has never endorsed these photos," the photographer, Brynja Sigurdardottir points out on her website, where she posted several other photos from the Mom2Mom campaign. "These women just happen to be in the Air Force, in their uniform, breastfeeding their babies." 

 When it comes to talking about breastfeeding in public, comparing it to other bodily functions -- and even sex -- is common, in spite of the fact that breastfeeding is legal and protected while defecating or having sex in public is not. But the fact that two of the moms are shown breastfeeding in public while wearing military uniforms makes the entire controversy more complicated. The Army, for example, didn"t even come up with a combat uniform for women until 2010, so accepting the idea of a uniformed soldier breastfeeding a baby may be especially jarring. And the uniforms themselves come with their own sets of rules. 

 According to Military Spouse Central, public displays of affection -- even something as innocuous as holding hands -- are not allowed while wearing a military uniform. Also forbidden while in uniform: eating, drinking, or talking on a cell phone while walking, carrying an umbrella that"s not black, and (in some cases) smoking or even chewing gum. While there is no policy that addresses breastfeeding in uniform, Air Force spokesperson Captain Rose Richeson told MSNBC: "Airmen should be mindful of their dress and appearance and present a professional image at all times while in uniform." Military moms who are still breastfeeding are encouraged to pump and bottle-feed their babies while they"re in uniform. 

 Scott suggests that the issue might have less to do with the uniform and more to do with our own internal conflicts. "I think a lot of people think that you can"t be a mom and be a soldier," she says. "This is not something that"s out of norm for them. They breastfeed in uniform all the time -- it"s just not something that"s usually captured on film."


 نوشته شده توسط علی بیدار در پنج شنبه 91/3/11 و ساعت 10:57 صبح | نظرات دیگران()

گـاویسـت در آسـمـان و نـامـش پـروین××××××یــک گــاو دگــر نــهــفــتــه در زیــر زمــیـن

چــشـم خـردت بــاز کـن از روی یـقـیـن××××××زیــر و زبــر دو گــاو مــشــتــی خــر بــیــن


 نوشته شده توسط علی بیدار در چهارشنبه 91/3/10 و ساعت 2:26 عصر | نظرات دیگران()
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آمار وبلاگ
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